Getting started with Quarto (Optional)
Last updated on 2024-05-13 | Edit this page
- What is Quarto?
- How can I integrate my R code with text and plots?
- How can I convert .qmd files to .html?
- Create a .qmd document containing R code, text, and plots
- Create a YAML header to control output
- Understand basic syntax of Quarto and Markdown
- Customise code chunks to control formatting
- Use code chunks and in-line code to create dynamic, reproducible documents
Quarto is a flexible type of document that allows you to seamlessly combine executable R code, and its output, with text in a single document. These documents can be readily converted to multiple static and dynamic output formats, including PDF (.pdf), Word (.docx), and HTML (.html).
The benefit of a well-prepared Quarto document is full reproducibility. This also means that, if you notice a data transcription error, or you are able to add more data to your analysis, you will be able to recompile the report without making any changes in the actual document.
Quarto comes pre-installed with RStudio (as of v2022.07), so no action is necessary.

Creating a Quarto file
To create a new Quarto document in RStudio, click File -> New File -> Quarto Document:

Then click on ‘Create Empty Document’. Normally you could enter the title of your document, your name (Author), and select the type of output, but we will be learning how to start from a blank document.
Basic components of Quarto
To control the output, a YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) header is needed:
title: "My Awesome Report"
author: "Emmet Brickowski"
date: ""
format: html
The header is defined by the three hyphens at the beginning
) and the three hyphens at the end
Although not recommended, you can leave the YAML out. Then the output
will be by default a HTML file. It’s still better to include the file
format in the YAML header by adding the line format: html
You can also adapt the format
of the file, to
or docx
. We will start with an HTML
document and discuss the other options later.
You can add more information about your document in the YAML header
such as title
, date
and author
This information will be displayed at the top of your document. There
are many more fields that can be added to the YAML header that provide
additional information about the document or define the behaviour of the
file. But we won’t discuss them now.
After the header, to begin the body of the document, you start typing
after the end of the YAML header (i.e. after the second
Markdown syntax
Markdown is a popular markup language that allows you to add
formatting elements to text, such as bold,
italics, and code
. The formatting will not be
immediately visible in a markdown (.md) document, like you would see in
a Word document. Rather, you add Markdown syntax to the text, which can
then be converted to various other files that can translate the Markdown
syntax. Markdown is useful because it is lightweight, flexible, and
platform independent.
Some platforms provide a real time preview of the formatting, like RStudio’s visual markdown editor (available from version 1.4).
First, let’s create a heading! A #
in front of text
indicates to Markdown that this text is a heading. Adding more
s make the heading smaller, i.e. one #
is a
first level heading, two ##
s is a second level heading,
etc. up to the 6th level heading.
# Title
## Section
### Sub-section
#### Sub-sub section
##### Sub-sub-sub section
###### Sub-sub-sub-sub section
(only use a level if the one above is also in use)
Since we have already defined our title in the YAML header, we will use a section heading to create an Introduction section.
## Introduction
You can make things bold by surrounding the word
with double asterisks, **bold**
, or double underscores,
; and italicize using single asterisks,
, or single underscores,
You can also combine bold and italics to
write something really important with
triple-asterisks, ***really***
, or underscores,
; and, if you’re feeling bold (pun intended),
you can also use a combination of asterisks and underscores,
, **_really_**
To create code-type
font, surround the word with
backticks, `code type`
Now that we’ve learned a couple of things, it might be useful to implement them:
## Introduction
This report uses the **tidyverse** package along with the *SAFI* dataset,
which has columns that include:
Then we can create a list for the variables using -
, or *
## Introduction
This report uses the **tidyverse** package along with the *SAFI* dataset,
which has columns that include:
- village
- interview_date
- no_members
- years_liv
- respondent_wall_type
- rooms
You can also create an ordered list using numbers:
1. village
2. interview_date
3. no_members
4. years_liv
5. respondent_wall_type
6. rooms
And nested items by tab-indenting:
- village
+ Name of village
- interview_date
+ Date of interview
- no_members
+ How many family members lived in a house
- years_liv
+ How many years respondent has lived in village or neighbouring village
- respondent_wall_type
+ Type of wall of house
- rooms
+ Number of rooms in house
For more Markdown syntax see the following reference guide.
Now we can render the document into HTML by clicking the Render button in the top of the Source pane (top left), or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+K on Windows and Linux, and Cmd+Shift+K on Mac. If you haven’t saved the document yet, you will be prompted to do so when you Render for the first time.

Writing a Quarto report
Now we will add some R code from our previous data wrangling and visualisation, which means we need to make sure tidyverse is loaded. It is not enough to load tidyverse from the console, we will need to load it within our Quarto document. The same applies to our data. To load these, we will need to create a ‘code chunk’ at the top of our document (below the YAML header).
A code chunk can be inserted by clicking Code > Insert Chunk, or by using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+I on Windows and Linux, and Cmd+Option+I on Mac.
The syntax of a code chunk is:
A Quarto document knows that this text is not part of the report from
the ```
that begins and ends the chunk. It also knows that
the code inside of the chunk is R code from the r
inside of
the curly braces ({}
). Below the curly braces, you can add
code chunk options after the #|
sign. In this way, you can
for example add a label for the code chunk. Naming a chunk is optional,
but recommended. Each chunk label must be unique, and only contain
alphanumeric characters and -
To load tidyverse and our
file, we will insert a chunk and call it
‘setup’. Since we don’t want this code or the output to show in our
rendered HTML document, we add an #| include: false
after the curly braces.
Insert table
Next, we will re-create a table from the Data Wrangling episode which
shows the average household size grouped by village
. We can do this by creating a new code chunk and
calling it ‘interview-tbl’. Or, you can come up with something more
creative (just remember to stick to the naming rules).
It isn’t necessary to Render your document every time you want to see the output. Instead you can run the code chunk with the green triangle in the top right corner of the the chunk, or with the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Alt+C on Windows and Linux, or Cmd+Option+C on Mac.
To make sure the table is formatted nicely in our output document, we
will need to use the kable()
function from the
knitr package. The kable()
function takes
the output of your R code and renders it into a nice looking HTML table.
You can also specify different aspects of the table, e.g. the column
names, a caption, etc.
Run the code chunk to make sure you get the desired output.
interviews %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(village, memb_assoc) %>%
summarize(mean_no_membrs = mean(no_membrs)) %>%
knitr::kable(col.names = c("Village", "Member Association",
"Mean Number of Members"))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'village'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
Village | Member Association | Mean Number of Members |
Chirodzo | no | 8.062500 |
Chirodzo | yes | 7.818182 |
God | no | 7.133333 |
God | yes | 8.000000 |
Ruaca | no | 7.178571 |
Ruaca | yes | 9.500000 |
When you are generating a table in quarto the label should be
prefixed with tbl-
, e.g. tbl-interviews
. You
can add a caption to the chunk options with
tbl-cap: "Your caption here"
#| label: tbl-interviews
#| tbl-cap: "A useful description about the table."
interviews %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(village, memb_assoc) %>%
summarize(mean_no_membrs = mean(no_membrs)) %>%
knitr::kable(col.names = c("Village", "Member Association",
"Mean Number of Members"))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'village'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
Village | Member Association | Mean Number of Members |
Chirodzo | no | 8.062500 |
Chirodzo | yes | 7.818182 |
God | no | 7.133333 |
God | yes | 8.000000 |
Ruaca | no | 7.178571 |
Ruaca | yes | 9.500000 |
Customising chunk output
We mentioned using include: false
in a code chunk to
prevent the code and output from printing in the rendered document.
There are additional options available to customise how the code-chunks
are presented in the output document. The options are entered in the
code chunk using the ‘hash pipe’, #|
Option | Options | Output |
eval |
Whether or not the code within the code chunk should be run. |
echo |
Choose if you want to show your code chunk in the output document.
echo = TRUE will show the code chunk. |
include |
Choose if the output of a code chunk should be included in the
document. FALSE means that your code will run, but will not
show up in the document. |
warning |
Whether or not you want your output document to display potential warning messages produced by your code. |
message |
Whether or not you want your output document to display potential messages produced by your code. |
fig-align |
default , left , right ,
Where the figure from your R code chunk should be output on the page |
- The default settings for the above chunk options are all
. - The default settings can be modified per chunk, or with
, - Entering
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
will change the default of value ofecho
for every code chunk in the document.
The defaults can also be changed in the YAML header with:
echo: false
Create a chunk with eval: false, echo: false
, then
create another chunk with include: false
to compare.
eval: false
and echo: false
will neither run
the code in the chunk, nor show the code in the rendered document. The
code chunk essentially doesn’t exist in the rendered document as it was
never run. Whereas include: false
will run the code and
store the output for later use.
In-line R code
Now we will use some in-line R code to present some descriptive
statistics. To use in-line R-code, we use the same backticks that we
used in the Markdown section, with an r
to specify that we
are generating R-code. The difference between in-line code and a code
chunk is the number of backticks. In-line R code uses one backtick
), whereas code chunks use three backticks
For example, today’s date is `r Sys.Date()`
, will be
rendered as: today’s date is 2024-05-13.
The code will display today’s date in the output document (well,
technically the date the document was last rendered).
The best way to use in-line R code, is to minimise the amount of code you need to produce the in-line output by preparing the output in code chunks. Let’s say we’re interested in presenting the average household size in a village.
# create a summary data frame with the mean household size by village
mean_household <- interviews %>%
group_by(village) %>%
summarize(mean_no_membrs = mean(no_membrs))
# and select the village we want to use
mean_chirodzo <- mean_household %>%
filter(village == "Chirodzo")
Now we can make an informative statement on the means of each village, and include the mean values as in-line R-code. For example:
The average household size in the village of Chirodzo is
`r round(mean_chirodzo$mean_no_membrs, 2)`
The average household size in the village of Chirodzo is 7.08.
Because we are using in-line R code instead of the actual values, we have created a dynamic document that will automatically update if we make changes to the dataset and/or code chunks.
Finally, we will also include a plot, so our document is a little
more colourful and a little less boring. We will use the
data from the previous episode.
If you were unable to complete the previous lesson or did not save the data, then you can create it in a new code chunk.
## Not run, but can be used to load in data from previous lesson!
interviews_plotting <- interviews %>%
## pivot wider by items_owned
separate_rows(items_owned, sep = ";") %>%
## if there were no items listed, changing NA to no_listed_items
replace_na(list(items_owned = "no_listed_items")) %>%
mutate(items_owned_logical = TRUE) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = items_owned,
values_from = items_owned_logical,
values_fill = list(items_owned_logical = FALSE)) %>%
## pivot wider by months_lack_food
separate_rows(months_lack_food, sep = ";") %>%
mutate(months_lack_food_logical = TRUE) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = months_lack_food,
values_from = months_lack_food_logical,
values_fill = list(months_lack_food_logical = FALSE)) %>%
## add some summary columns
mutate(number_months_lack_food = rowSums(select(., Jan:May))) %>%
mutate(number_items = rowSums(select(., bicycle:car)))
Plots created in Quarto should have a label prefixed with
, e.g. #| label: fig-fancy-plot
We can also create a caption with the chunk option
fig-cap: "Caption here"
, and add some nicer labels using
the labs()
#| label: fig-chunk-name
#| fig-cap: "I made this plot while attending an awesome Data Carpentries workshop where I learned a ton of cool stuff!"
#| echo: false
interviews_plotting %>%
ggplot(aes(x = respondent_wall_type)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = village), position = "dodge") +
labs(x = "Type of Wall in Home", y = "Count", fill = "Village Name") +
scale_fill_viridis_d() # add colour deficient friendly palette

…or, ideally, something more informative.
Now, you may have been wondering why I insisted that you prefix the labels of your tables in figures, but there is a useful reason for this! It allows you to cross-reference them in the text of your document, and it requires that the label is unique, and that they have the correct prefix.
For example, we can talk about the table we made earlier and
reference it using the label @tbl-interview
, which, when
rendered, becomes Table 1.
We can do the same with our figures. For example,
becomes Figure 1. The number will of course
depend on whether any plots or figures comes before it, but since you
just need to reference the label, there’s no need to know what number a
specific plot has in a document (especially useful for figure-heavy
Other output options
You can convert Quarto to a PDF or a Word document (among others).
Put pdf
or word
in the initial header of the
file to indicate the desired output format.
format: word
Note: Creating PDF documents
Creating .pdf documents may require installation of some extra
software. The R package tinytex
provides some tools to help
make this process easier for R users. With tinytex
installed, run tinytex::install_tinytex()
to install the
required software (you’ll only need to do this once) and then when you
render to pdf tinytex
will automatically detect and install
any additional LaTeX packages that are needed to produce the pdf
document. Visit the tinytex
website for more information.
Note: Inserting citations into a Quarto file
It is possible to insert citations into a Quarto file using the
editor toolbar. The editor toolbar includes commonly seen formatting
buttons generally seen in text editors (e.g., bold and italic buttons).
The toolbar is accessible by using the settings dropdown menu (next to
the ‘Render’ dropdown menu) to select ‘Use Visual Editor’, also
accessible through the shortcut ‘Crtl+Shift+F4’. From here, clicking
‘Insert’ allows ‘Citation’ to be selected (shortcut: ‘Crtl+Shift+F8’).
For example, searching ‘10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4’ in ‘From DOI’ and
inserting will provide the citation for ggplot2
[@wickham2016]. This will also save the
citation(s) in ‘references.bib’ in the current working directory.
Visit the R Studio
website for more information. Tip: obtaining citation information
from relevant packages can be done by using
- Markdown tutorial
- Official Quarto website (comprehensive resource of tutorials and documentation)
- Welcome to Quarto - workshop by Posit (former RStudio)
- R Markdown: The Definitive Guide - book by the RStudio team on R Markdown, the predecessor of Quarto